Level 8 StrathUnion, Glasgow
Skills and Development Programme is growing (thanks to the Alumni Fund support) which means that we can focus on providing you with thematic sets of skills.
Nominations for the upcoming elections will be closing on the 17th February, that creates a perfect opportunity for all those intriuged with the Sabbatical Role to come in and talk to our current Sabs. We will offer a range of activities around democratic procedures, and workshops that will empower you in your Rep role.
This time we will run:
Public Speaking Workshop
Campaigning Workshop
Question Timewith Exec
As always we will offer hot grazy lunch (If you plan to attend and have specific dieatry requirements, please contact karolina.mcdowall@strath.ac.uk)
Hope to see you there,
Spaces will be limited and if you cannot attend please let us know so that we can offer your ticket to someone else.