Level 8 StrathUnion, Glasgow
Skills and Development Programme is growing (thanks to the Alumni Fund support) which means that we can focus on providing you with thematic sets of skills.
Nominations for the upcoming elections will be closing on the 17th February, that creates a perfect opportunity for all those interested in the Sabbatical Role to have an opportunity to talk to our current Sabs and Non-Execs. We will offer a range of activities around democratic processes, and workshops that will empower you in your Rep role.
This time we will run:
Kick off 10:00 am- exact order of workshops tbc.
1. Public Speaking Workshop: designed to empower you in your role as a leader whether as a rep or Exec.
2. Campaigning Workshop: will offer an overview of skills and ways to run effective campaigns.
3. Democracy Workshop: explore what it means from the Studen Union's perspective.
4. Parliament: an insight on the structure
5. Question Time with Exec: a unique opportunity to meet your Sabbatical Officers and to engage in conversation on the meaning of their roles.
All the atendees will be added to an exciting raffle, some of the prizes include: mugs, hoodies, gym pass, coffee vouchers and more.
As always we will offer hot lunch (if you plan to attend and have specific dieatry requirements, please contact strathunion.rep@strath.ac.uk).
Spaces will be limited and if you cannot attend please let us know so that we can offer your ticket to someone else.
Tickets are flexible, so you can plan to come for part of the event if it collides with your schedule. All the sessions are intercollected, and there is value in comming to the full event, but we understand that it might not be possible and would love for you to come in event if it was for one session.
Money for the Skills and Development Programme has come from the Strathclyde Alumni Fund, which supports current Strathclyde students by funding student-led projects, clubs, societies and learning opportunities. We are grateful to the alumni who have made this project possible!