There is no Planet B and time is running out. Join our University Chapter to make positive change to the future of the engineering industry and our planet.
About us
As a University Chapter of Engineers Without Borders UK we are on mission to galvanise the engineering community, to ensure it serves all people and our planet better than ever before. Alongside our undergraduate education, our society embeds globally responsible practice which is crucial to the future of engineering and our planet. Across the academic year we invite inspiring engineers to share their experiences, knowledge and views; organise practical and interactive workshops; tackle real-life engineering projects; coordinate STEM outreach in local schools; hold fundraising events to help support our society and the EWB UK branch; organise a number of fun social events and much more.
Our meeting schedule is still to be decided. We'd love to hear from new members what they would like to see from EWB this year as well!
Our membership costs £3 and this goes towards taking part in our practical workshops, projects and STEM Outreach activities. However, you do not need membership to come to our professional talks and discussions.
Our usual activities such as interactive workshops and outreach programs in schools are in a state of uncertainty due to current pandemic, however the society will be just as active as ever.
We are always looking for new members and would love to hear from you! Please message us on our Facebook page (EWB StrathclydeThis link will open in a new tab) or email us at to find out more information about how you can get involved. Non-engineers are also more than welcome!!