Everything you need to know!
Why you should join
- Our memberships costs only £2 for the academic year, and allows us to buy new board games for your enjoyment. We also offer a free trial so you can see if it's for you! Signing up for that ensures that you get our email updates.
- We aim to host other extra events alongside our weekly board games meetings.
- Inter-society events with various other University of Strathclyde Societies.
- Inclusive society: we want EVERYONE to enjoy board games irrespective of race, gender, class, generation or disability.
- Have freinds that aren't a student of Strathclyde? They can join too!
What are the main things to take away?
- Come along and have fun, it doesn't matter if you are a board game veteran or have never played in your life. Therea re always people wanting to play and willing to teach anyone.
- The friends you make can be friends for life
- Although the official meeting are every Wednesday night, there is no obligation to come every week and if you want to meet up outside of those times people often want to too!
- The best places to find us are our Facebook page and Discord server.
- If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them on Facebook or Discord
- Thanks for showing interest in our socirt, we hope to hear from you soon!